
the ledap encapsulation for php yii2 framework


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run:

composer require --prefer-dist ethercap/yii2-ledap "dev-master"

Or add to the require section of your composer.json file:

"ethercap/yii2-ledap": "dev-master"


copy layout. you can edit the layout after copy.

cp vendor/ethercap/yii2-ledap/src/gii/layout.php xxx/views/layouts/main.php

Code generator

the use of code generator is similar to gii/crud, let's begin:

php yii gii/ledapCrud --controllerClass="\frontend\controllers\TestController" --modelClass="common\models\Test" --searchModelClass="\frontend\forms\TestSearch"

After run, you can access the page. the page will be follow:

  1. xxController : yii2 Controller to process http request.

  2. views/xx/*.php : the template file, which to rendering html.

  3. views/xx/*.api : the api file, which to rendering api.

  4. xx/web/xx/*.js : the js file of the view。it view be rendering in html with a hash.

the file structure as the following picture.

List View

the javascript has a dataProvider(Note. it's not the php DataProvider) which to control the page.

1.refresh on input

we can add an event on form-item to refresh on inputing. thus, when we input, the table will auto search and refresh.

<form-item :model="dp.searchModel" attr="name" @input="refresh('')"></form-item>

2. Some DataProvider api

// to get an DataProvider
this.dp = ledap.App.getWebDataProvider({

    // can be ignore. the key to removal duplicate models 
    primaryKey: 'id',
    // can be ignore. to prevent a lot of http request, the min interval between two request
    // 0 represent no interval
    timeWait : 600,

// a dataprovider contains 4 sub object
// the search params of list page
// the items show in list page
// the sort of list page
// the pagination of list page

//change any params and refresh
this.dp.searchModel.name = 'xxx';

// change params and refresh

// changePage

// we may want refresh as mobile

// we may want sort table
this.dp.sort = "id, -name";
// we can also use function

// we may want sort locally
this.dp.sortModels("name", asc=true);

// we can use isLoading to show loading status
// we can also use event to do something
this.dp.on(ledap.WebDataProvider.EVENT_BEFOREGETDATA, function(){
this.dp.on(ledap.WebDataProvider.EVENT_AFTERGETDATA, function(){

3. grid

grid is a ledap component, which render by columns and dataProvider.

columns : {
        'attribute' : 'id',
        'label' : 'ID',
        //if use sort, we can click header to sort table
        'userSort' : true, 
        'attribute' : 'name',
        'value' : function() {
            // vm refer to current vue component
            // value,model, index, attribute and dataProvider can be use in the template
            return '<a @click="vm.xxx(model)"></a>';
        'format': 'html',

if you're not satisfied with the default content. you can change the grid content by Vue scoped slot. the component will transfer 4 args to scoped slot:

  • model. current model, refer to the row of grid.

  • column. current colomn, refer to the col of grid.

  • index. the index of dp.models. dp.model[index] = model

  • value. the result of the column calculate with the model.

<grid class="table" :data-provider="dp" :columns="columns">
    <template v-slot:label="p">
        <th class="xxx">{{p.value}}{{p.model}}{{p.index}}{{p.column}}</th>

    <template v-slot:default="p">
        <td class="xxx">{{p.value}}{{p.model}}{{p.index}}{{p.column}}</td>

you can also use dataProvider without grid. like dataProvider with "list", or components all by self.

<input type="xxx" v-model="dp.searchModel.name" @input="dp.refresh('')" />
<div v-for="model in dp.models">
    <div class="">{{model.id}}</div>
    <div class="xxx">{{model.img}}</div>
<div class="pager">
    <a @click="dp.prePage()">PrePage</a>
    <a @click="dp.nextPage()">NextPage</a>


type is the switch of the page. it can be set to an item of ["view", "update", "create"].


the model corresponding to the yii2 Form Model. let's begin:

//generate a model
let model = ledap.App.getModel(data);

// change model's value
model.name = "xxx";
// get label of attribute
// get hint of attribute
// get error of attribute
// get first error of attribute
// get All error of a model

// validate the value of model.if not correct, return false.
// we can use getErrors to show the error


detail is similar to grid. we can use columns to show a detail.the rule is same to the grid.

columns : {
        'attribute' : 'id',
        'label' : 'ID',
        //if use sort, we can click header to sort table
        'userSort' : true, 
        'attribute' : 'name',
        'value' : function() {
            // vm refer to current vue component
            // value,model, index, attribute and dataProvider can be use in the template
            return '<a @click="vm.xxx(model)"></a>';
        'format': 'html',

like grid, we can also use scoped slot to change the default view.

3. form-item

when we want't to show form, the form-item is very import. the form-item contains 4 parts:

  • label

  • hint

  • input

  • error

we cant use like this:

    normal input
    validator: the event to validator,
 default is blur. 
    tag: the tag, default is div
<form-item :model="model" attr="name" :validator="['input', 'blur', 'focus']" :tag="div">

<!-- we can also use scoped slot to change the default view-->
<form-item :model="model" attr="name">
    <template v-slot:label="p">
        <label> {{p.model.getAttributeLabel(p.attr)}}{{p.model.isRequired(p.attr) ? '*' : ''}}</label>
    <template v-slot="p">
        <baseinput type="password" v-bind="p"></baseinput>
    <template v-slot:error="p">
        <p v-show="p.showError">{{p.showError}}</p>

<!-- some other input -->
    groupinput need DictValidator. you should add a rule in model like this:
    ['name', \ethercap\common\validators\DictValidator::className(), [0 => 'xxx', 1=> 'xxx', ...]],
    dropdown also need DictValidator.
    ajax select you should follow next chapter
<form-item :model="model" attr="name">
    <template v-slot="p">
        <groupinput v-bind="p"></groupinput>
<form-item :model="model" attr="name">
    <template v-slot="p">
        <dropdown v-bind="p"></dropdown>

Sometimes, we may want use Other's Vue Component. So I did an example in this package.

I use an vue2-datepickerr to show the code.

// or we can use register
// $this->registerJs("http://xxxx.js", ['depends' => '\ethercap\ledap\assets\VueAsset'])

<form-item :model="model" attr="time">
    <template v-slot="p">
        <date-picker v-model="p.model[p.attr]" :value-type="'format'"></date-picker>

we should register the Component in view.js

Vue.Comonpoent("date-picker", DatePicker.default);


1.select2 & SearchAction

sometimes we want use a ajax suggestion like select2. the package offer you follows:

  • SearchAction: a php Action to process the request.

namespace frontend\controllers;
use Yii;
class xxController extends Controller
    // ....
    public function actions()
        return [
            'search' => [
                'class' => \ethercap\ledap\actions\SearchAction::className(),
                'processQuery' => function($model) {
                     $query = xxx::find()->select(['id', 'name as text'])->asArray();
                     if($model->id) {
                         return $query->where(['id' => $model->id]);
                         $query->andWhere(['like', 'name', $model->keyword]);                         
                     return $query;
                // you can ignore this config
                $dataConfig => [


after all this config, we have an api "/xx/search" to search data from database.

  • select2 component: vue component to send http request.

<form-item :model="model" attr="search">
    <template v-slot="p">
        <select2 v-bind="p" :data-provider="dp"></select2>
        dp: App.ledap.getWebDp({
                "url" : '/xx/search'

2.upload & UploadAction

to be continued.


  1. be aware of Vue.

  2. do not use yii2 widget.

  3. all component you use should register first. App.register(['xxx'], Vue);

  4. you can use other component.

  5. you can change the request by replace AppAsset.

Last updated

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