// to get an DataProviderthis.dp =ledap.App.getWebDataProvider({ httpOptions:{ url:'/test/xxx', params:'ddd', }// can be ignore. the key to removal duplicate models primaryKey: 'id',// can be ignore. to prevent a lot of http request, the min interval between two request// 0 represent no interval timeWait :600,});// a dataprovider contains 4 sub object// the search params of list pageconsole.log(this.dp.searchModel)// the items show in list pageconsole.log(this.dp.models);// the sort of list pageconsole.log(this.dp.sort);// the pagination of list pageconsole.log(this.dp.pager);//change any params and refreshthis.dp.searchModel.name ='xxx';this.dp.refresh();// change params and refreshthis.dp.changeParams({name:"xxx"});// changePagethis.dp.changePage(page)this.dp.nextPage();this.dp.prePage();// we may want refresh as mobilethis.dp.refresh("header");this.dp.refersh("footer");// we may want sort tablethis.dp.sort ="id, -name";this.dp.refresh();// we can also use functionthis.dp.setSort("id,-name");// we may want sort locallythis.dp.sortModels("name", asc=true);// we can use isLoading to show loading statusthis.dp.isLoading// we can also use event to do somethingthis.dp.on(ledap.WebDataProvider.EVENT_BEFOREGETDATA,function(){});this.dp.on(ledap.WebDataProvider.EVENT_AFTERGETDATA,function(){});
3. grid
grid is a ledap component, which render by columns and dataProvider.
columns : {'id', {'attribute' : 'id','label' : 'ID',//if use sort, we can click header to sort table'userSort' : true, }, {'attribute' : 'name','value' : function() {// vm refer to current vue component// value,model, index, attribute and dataProvider can be use in the templatereturn'<a @click="vm.xxx(model)"></a>'; },'format': 'html', }}
if you're not satisfied with the default content. you can change the grid content by Vue scoped slot. the component will transfer 4 args to scoped slot:
model. current model, refer to the row of grid.
column. current colomn, refer to the col of grid.
index. the index of dp.models. dp.model[index] = model
value. the result of the column calculate with the model.
type is the switch of the page. it can be set to an item of ["view", "update", "create"].
the model corresponding to the yii2 Form Model. let's begin:
//generate a modellet model =ledap.App.getModel(data);// change model's valuemodel.name ="xxx";// get label of attributemodel.getAttributeLabel("name");// get hint of attributemodel.getAttributeHint("name");// get error of attributemodel.getErrors("name");// get first error of attributemodel.getFirstError("name");// get All error of a modelmodel.getErrors();// validate the value of model.if not correct, return false.// we can use getErrors to show the errormodel.validate();
detail is similar to grid. we can use columns to show a detail.the rule is same to the grid.
columns : {'id', {'attribute' : 'id','label' : 'ID',//if use sort, we can click header to sort table'userSort' : true, }, {'attribute' : 'name','value' : function() {// vm refer to current vue component// value,model, index, attribute and dataProvider can be use in the templatereturn'<a @click="vm.xxx(model)"></a>'; },'format': 'html', }}
like grid, we can also use scoped slot to change the default view.
3. form-item
when we want't to show form, the form-item is very import. the form-item contains 4 parts:
we cant use like this:
normal input
validator: the event to validator,
default is blur.
tag: the tag, default is div
<form-item :model="model" attr="name" :validator="['input', 'blur', 'focus']" :tag="div">
<!-- we can also use scoped slot to change the default view-->
<form-item :model="model" attr="name">
<template v-slot:label="p">
<label> {{p.model.getAttributeLabel(p.attr)}}{{p.model.isRequired(p.attr) ? '*' : ''}}</label>
<template v-slot="p">
<baseinput type="password" v-bind="p"></baseinput>
<template v-slot:error="p">
<p v-show="p.showError">{{p.showError}}</p>
<!-- some other input -->
groupinput need DictValidator. you should add a rule in model like this:
['name', \ethercap\common\validators\DictValidator::className(), [0 => 'xxx', 1=> 'xxx', ...]],
dropdown also need DictValidator.
ajax select you should follow next chapter
<form-item :model="model" attr="name">
<template v-slot="p">
<groupinput v-bind="p"></groupinput>
<form-item :model="model" attr="name">
<template v-slot="p">
<dropdown v-bind="p"></dropdown>
Sometimes, we may want use Other's Vue Component. So I did an example in this package.
<?php// or we can use register// $this->registerJs("http://xxxx.js", ['depends' => '\ethercap\ledap\assets\VueAsset'])\ethercap\ledap\assets\DatePickerAsset::register($this);?><form-item :model="model" attr="time"><template v-slot="p"><date-picker v-model="p.model[p.attr]":value-type="'format'"></date-picker></template></form-item>
we should register the Component in view.js
1.select2 & SearchAction
sometimes we want use a ajax suggestion like select2. the package offer you follows:
SearchAction: a php Action to process the request.
<?phpnamespacefrontend\controllers;useYii;classxxControllerextendsController{// ....publicfunctionactions() {return ['search'=> ['class'=>\ethercap\ledap\actions\SearchAction::className(),'processQuery'=>function($model) { $query =xxx::find()->select(['id','name as text'])->asArray();if($model->id) {return $query->where(['id'=> $model->id]); }if($model->keyword){ $query->andWhere(['like','name', $model->keyword]); }return $query; },// you can ignore this config $dataConfig => ['id','text' ] ], ]; } }
after all this config, we have an api "/xx/search" to search data from database.
select2 component: vue component to send http request.